In the objective of fulfilling of its legal obligations, LeadNet doo Belgrade, company registration number 21377180 (hereinafter: Company or Controller) collects and processes personal data related to persons applying for job positions on the labor force market. Collected personal data includes: CV data – name and surname, address of residence, contact information, data on acquired work experience, education data, data on acquired certificates and skills, Letters of Recommendations, Motivation Letters and other personal data mandatory for employment purposes.

Data shall be used for the purpose of legal obligations pertaining to personal data processing, for the needs of fulfilment of concluded agreements or concluding of agreements, as well as for the purpose of fulfilment of Controller’s legal obligations, and only assigned employees of the Controller shall have access to such data.
Pursuant to the Law on Personal Data Protection (Official Gazette of the RS no. 87/2018), the representative of the business partner, to whom the personal data refers to, is hereby notified as follows:

  1. Collected personal data may, for the purpose of processing, be transferred to data processors/third parties/data recipients in compliance with the above-defined objectives of collecting and processing of personal data.
  2. Collected personal data may be transferred to countries outside of the Republic of Serbia and the EU in the objective of fulfilment of contractual obligations. In the event that the countries or international organizations, to which personal data is being transferred to, do not possess the appropriate level of protection, the transfer of personal data shall be allowed only if model contract or binding corporate rules are in place; or through harmonization with approved certification mechanism or privacy protection frameworks in order to ensure the protection of personal data.
  3. The person to whom the personal data refers to has, at any moment, the right to:
    1. Gain insight into the personal data via written request with the possibility of acquiring information on which personal information is being collected, for what purpose and to verify the accuracy of personal data; to which third parties/date processor their data has been transferred to and for which purpose; sources of personal data, when it has been acquired and updated;
    2. Rectify incorrect personal data;
    3. In certain cases, have their data deleted (“the right to be forgotten”);
    4. Withdraw their permission at any time and for any reason;
    5. Forbid the processing of personal data;
    6. Lodge a complaint with the Commissioner for Information of Public Importance and Personal Data Protection;
    7. Demand compensation for damages.
  4. The Company shall, upon written request, complete, change or delete personal data if such data is incomplete, inaccurate or outdated and inform the person to whom such personal data pertains to about any amendments, changes or deletions of such personal data within thirty (30) calendar days from receipt of written request;
  5. Personal data shall be kept for a limited time period – during the time of the contractual relationship with business partner and during the period of 5 years after the termination of contractual relationship;

In the objective or exercising its rights, the person to whom personal data pertains to, may submit a written request to the official address: LeadNet doo Belgrade, Koste Abraševića 25, 11000 Belgrade, marked “For Personal Data Protection“.

The Company has appointed Controller employee Sladjana Ginic as person responsible for personal data protection, whose contact information is as follows:, +381 11/450-48-17.

The person to whom personal data pertains to, has the right to, at any given moment, lodge a complaint related to processing of relevant personal data, based on his/her specific situation.

The person to whom personal data pertains to, can exercise its legal rights by lodging a written complaint with the following instances:

  1. LeadNet doo Belgrade, Koste Abraševića 25, 11000 Belgrade, marked “For Personal Data Protection“.
  2. Commissioner for Information of Public Importance and Personal Data Protection, Bulevar Kralja Aleksandra 15, 11000 Belgrade, E-mail:

This notice shall be implemented from the 21st of August, 2019.